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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Chandigarh’s day temp soars to 28°C, highest this season

Amid the hide and seek between the sun and clouds on Monday, the city’s maximum temperature shot up from 24.7°C on Sunday to 28°C, 1.7 degree above normal and the highest so far this season.
With summer approaching, the maximum temperature has surged by a brisk 8.3 degrees in just six days — from 19.7°C on March 5 to 28°C on March 11.
Further increase is expected in the coming days, as per the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
The maximum temperature usually crosses 30°C by the end of March and had gone up to 32.4°C on March 31 last year.
The minimum temperature also rose from 11.5°C on Sunday to 13.9°C on Monday, 1 degree above normal.
With a fresh Western Disturbance (WD) approaching the region, cloudy weather is expected on Wednesday and some parts of the city may even receive rain. The maximum temperature can go up to 29°C before that, while the minimum temperature will remain between 13°C and 14°C, said IMD officials.
